getting started

Do you want to experience multiple aspects of the CMUiii online program?

 Below, you’ll get a taste
of the CMUiii online experience
with sneak peeks into courses, workload previews,
and student and faculty testimonials.

What does flexibility & pacing mean for me?

The culture of flexibility, student-driven pacing, and work-life balance is woven throughout many areas of the CMUiii online program.
As a student, you experience the same in-depth education as on-campus students, but with the flexibility to take classes from anywhere.

You also have the flexibility to earn a single certificate, to earn select certificates, or to stack all certificates and earn a master’s degree. You can enroll in one class or multiple classes each semester.

Experience what the course workload feels like, how students manage this, and how professors and staff engage in the CMUiii culture of flexibility.


online program overview

In the CMUiii online program, you should expect a balance between flexibility and structure. 

time management

As a student, you are expected to devote 10 hours per week to a course.

Your time-management and autonomous learning skills, along with the well-crafted course structure, will be your pacing guide.


Your time-management and autonomous learning skills, along with the well-crafted course structure, will be your pacing guide.


What students are saying about balancing school and life:

being a student

  • As a student, you are expected to devote 10 hours per week to a course.
  • Your time-management and autonomous learning skills, along with the well-crafted course structure, will be your pacing guide.

your time will be spent

  • Completing reading and watching prerecorded lectures.
  • Connecting with peers in asynchronous discussion activites.
  • Working on assignments.
  • Attending synchronous meetings (weekly synchronous Carnegie Classes with your instructor and peers, group meetings, and optional virtual office hours with your instructor).

In the iii Balancing Coursework with Other Obligations video,
Teresa Cain shares how this could be done.

talk with our admissions team

Athena Huether

Head of Graduate Enrollment
& Associate Director of Admissions

Kaitlyn Stossel


faculty testimonial

“It does not matter where you start. Some start with where they’re weak, while others start with where they’re strong. Some choose both in parallel. No matter what you know, we have you covered. For instance, 606 and 607 could be taken concurrently.”

sneak peek into

Innovation of Services & Experiences

Although the CMUiii online program courses are rigorous, you will always find support and methods to help you think through content and activities, to submit work on time, and to maintain a work-study-life balance.

Take a sneak peek into 49-601 to see how students provide check-ins and get support during the synchronous Carnegie Classroom meetings.


what will I learn , what will I do?

In the CMUiii online program, you’ll create innovative product concepts using the strong foundational knowledge you gain in business, design, and engineering. Our courses help you push the boundaries of what’s possible to create the next generation of products and services. 

Check out how teamwork, learning resources, discussions, and assignments allow you to build knowledge, apply skills, and then craft products and services using human-centered design.



In the CMUiii online program, you’ll create innovative product concepts using the strong foundational knowledge you gain in business, design, and engineering. Our courses help you push the boundaries of what’s possible to create the next generation of products and services. 

Check out how teamwork, learning resources, discussions, and assignments allow you to build knowledge, apply skills, and then craft products and services using human-centered design.


being a CMUiii Online Student

Have questions for when you’re a student in the CMUiii online program?

Let’s take you through a journey to know about your classmates,
 about online learning experiences,
and how our program allows you to apply
what you’ll learn in the real world from Day 1.


Who are my classmates?

The CMUiii online program is a community of diverse, multidisciplinary professionals
 with engineering, design, and/or business backgrounds
who share a common drive to grow as innovators and changemakers.

Learn more about CMUiii online program students
and see how being a part of this group of makers, entrepreneurs, artists, technologists,
scientists, and lifelong learners will support your success as a student and as a working professional.

the online program cohort

“An added perk of the online master’s in integrated innovation for products and services is the variety of classmates that I have met. The online nature of the program means students come from all over the world and, in turn, bring with them vast skill sets and backgrounds that inform perspective, adding a richness to the group projects, class discussions, and overall content.”
Julie Wagner
MIIPS online master's student
icon of open book with a globe image in the backround

group formation

“When forming teams, I look for diversity in age, race, gender, and educational background. In addition to that, I consider characteristics that impact the day-to-day team dynamics to ensure the best possible experience.” – CMUiii faculty

global reach

You will experience an online program with a global reach; take a look at our current geographical footprint. Our program helps you feel connected with your peers while keeping work-school-life balance a priority.

where are they at on the planet?

“When we are not all in person in the same city, it matters how many time zones away our collaborators are. Teams need to be either close or so far away that it’s daytime for all of them at the same time. It’s an extra added complexity if teammates have no shared daytime hours to work with, and if we can eliminate that, we will.”

what kind of stuff do they do?

“When students introduce themselves, I listen for the kind of work product and tools they use in their current roles and any skills they are developing. Knowing that three people spend all their days in Figma makes them more similar than whatever their undergraduate degree was.”

How do they approach work?

“This usually comes to the surface during introductions as well. There's a certain kind of person who thrives on bringing order, timelines, and details. Every team needs one of those. There's another kind of person who prides themselves on creativity, craftiness, and ideas. Every team needs one of those."
Francine Gemperle
MIIPS faculty member

How can I start applying what I'm learning?

No matter what course you start with
and no matter what the current course topic or assignment is,
you are encouraged to connect this to your career goals.

Throughout your time in the program, you will explore this synergy
between your online learning, prior experience, and workplace projects.

This real-world connection looks different for every student. CMUiii online courses are structured so that you are easily able to carry your learning into workplaces focused on innovation and product design. See what our students, faculty, and industry experts are saying.


What do you need to apply today?

Want to chat about it?

What students are saying about:

Workplace Connections


What faculty are saying about how courses connect to careers:

"Students select topics that meet their career goals; whether it’s something new or something they are working on at their current job.”
Susanna Zlotnikov
Assistant Teaching Professor and Online Program Director

Sneak peek into 49-601 Innovation of Services and Experiences:

This real-world connection looks different for every student. CMUiii online courses are structured so that you are easily able to carry your learning into workplaces focused on innovation and product design.

No matter what course you start with and no matter what the current course topic or assignment is, you are encouraged to connect this to your career goals. Throughout your time in the program, you will explore this synergy between your online learning, prior experience, and workplace projects.  

This real-world connection looks different for every student. CMUiii online courses are structured so that you are easily able to carry your learning into workplaces focused on innovation and product design.

What will my experience be like?

The CMUiii online program brings brand value, rigor, and a foundation for lifelong professional success. Program design reflects these themes at every turn as you earn that coveted CMU credential. 


Throughout your time in the CMUiii online program, you’ll experience the emphasis we’ve placed on building a strong community among students, alumni, faculty, and staff. From collaborative projects and communication tools, to alumni interviews and visits with synchronous class sessions, to online office hours and responsive faculty and staff, the CMUiii online program offers many opportunities for connection.

In addition, our online fellows offer dedicated support to online students, facilitating building community among online students and providing guidance as students work together.

Read on to get a sneak peek into how we go beyond the textbook to deliver exceptional learning and connection.

Sneak peek into the CMUiii online program:

As a student, you are expected to devote 10 hours per week to a course, but what does this mean for your week?

Typically, your weekly experience would be divided among:

1. Learning resources:
completing readings and watching prerecorded lectures

2. Discussions:
connecting with peers in asynchronous discussion activities

3. Assignments:
doing assignments
(These are structured so that you can work throughout the week in order to meet the set due dates.)

4. Synchronous Components:
includes weekly synchronous Carnegie Classes with your instructor and peers.

(These are typically 90 minutes per week
or every other week on a designated weeknight evening.)
 also includes meetings for any group projects
and optional virtual office hours with your instructor.

What our students are saying about networking:

We strengthen the classroom experience and student community with targeted networking moments.
Check out how we share updates to promote professional connections:

"As a master’s student at CMU, I was thrilled to access the remarkable professional talent available to me. Mary, the Integrated Innovation Institute’s alumni relations manager, guided me in forging valuable connections for my career transition from product design and research to product management. Thanks to the introductions Mary created for me, I built lasting relationships with alumni, receiving mentorship support and great insight into their companies."
Madiha Irfan,
MIIPS online master’s student

Sneak peek into the Donut:

There are multiple ways to collaborate and easily communicate with CMUiii staff, alumni, peers, faculty members, and online fellows. One way is the Donut app on Slack. CMUiii online students are randomly paired with someone else. The objective is to have randomized networking conversations with other members of the CMUiii online community to build a foundation for future connection.

Sneak peek into 49-601 Introduction to Design Innovation, and 49-608 Professional Practice of Product Innovation:

The CMUiii online program offers a variety of opportunities to combine your own knowledge, skills, experiences, and resources with those of your instructor and peers to create or improve a product or service. From Carnegie Classroom synchronous online sessions, team contracts, and individual reflections on teamwork, to team evaluations and leadership opportunities, you are provided with every opportunity to become a successful, responsible leader and team member.

Virtual teamwork, online presentations, and remote facilitation prepare you for innovating in the real world.

Sneak peek into 49-606 Understanding Markets for Products and Services:

In this course, alumni provide an industry perspective, sharing examples from their time as brand managers and industry experts. The CMUiii program has alumni in many sectors. This powerful alumni community can offer connections, insight, and support during your time as a student and throughout your career.

after completing the program

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